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July 22, 2015

Company Secretary Jobs in Jharkhand Power Company Last Date 10th Aug 2015

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following temporary posts: :

    Company Secretary : 01 post in Jharkhand UrjaVikas Nigam Ltd.
    Company Secretary : 03 posts in the subsidiary companies i.e. Jharkhand Urja Sancharan Nigam Ltd, Jharkhand Urja Utpadan Nigam Ltd., Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd

Apply : Apply Online at  on or

before 10/08/2015 and the hard copy of application in the prescribed Performa with clear and visible attested copies of requisite enclosures, original DD & printout of application submission preview must be sent to DGM (HR), Jharkhand UrjaVikas Nigam Ltd. Ranchi, Engineering Building, H.E.C Dhurwa, Ranchi - 834004 only through speed post/ registered post so as to reach before the cutoff date & time of receipt fixed on 18/08/2015 at 5.00 pm..

The detailed advt. and application form is  available at