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August 28, 2015

Engineers 35 Openings Recruitment in Power Grid POSOCO Last Date 16th Sep 2015

Power Grid invites  applications  from  bright  young  post  graduates  (M.Tech.) in  Power  Systems  for  its various functions  and  for  Power  System  Operation  Corporation Ltd. (POSOCO),  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary,  as  per  the following details  :

 M.Tech.  Engineers : 35 posts (UR-19, OBC-9, SC-5, ST-2)(PWD-2)

Age : 28 years  as on 31/05/2015.

Fee :  Rs.460/- is  payable  by  candidates  (other  than  SC/ST/PwD/Ex - SM)  towards  application  fees  of  Rs.  400/- and  bank  charges  of  Rs.  60/- through deposit  of  SBI  Challan  at  any  branch  of State Bank of India.

To Apply : Apply Online from 19/08/2015 to 16/09/2015 at Power Grid Website only. Hard copy of the system generated application should be send to The Advertiser (PG), Post Box No. 9248, Krishna Nagar Head Post Office, Delhi - 110051 on or before 15/06/2015.

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